SOFLO Federation


The SOFLO Federation project was created to help users navigate through events, centers, businesses, and services related to the South Florida Muslim community. Between Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties.

My Role

UX Researcher, UX Designer


Sketch, Flowmapp, and Invision

The Problem

The website is hard to navigate. Many users can’t finish their tasks like adding events or businesses without getting frustrated and asking for help from the website moderator.

Data Analysis:

Analyzing google analytics data to see what are the most visited pages and most hits by users, helped me to rearrange the Nav Bar to guarantee accessibility for users.
Here’s what I found (top to lowest hits):

1- Business Portal
2- Community News
3- Events Directory
4- Directory
5- Services
6- About

Competitive Analysis:

After working on the competitive analysis part of the research process for quite some time, looking for common design decisions and patterns on websites of nonprofits focused on development like Soflo Federation. I found a quantitative impact that was missing from the home page and the flow of the site, was missing several call-to-actions and missing a spotlight to show upcoming events, as well as the overall communication to the user to find clear navigatable paths.


Focus Group

I led the affinity analysis sessions in which I grouped our responses. The analysis led us to find patterns and similar themes/needs across the interviews.

Having 7 targeted users, I conducted interviews with the different stakeholders that the SOFLO Federation identified: Board Members, Donors, General Site Visitors, and Researchers/Volunteers (out-of-scope due to lack of access.) My aim for the interviews was to learn more about the strategic vision for SOFLO Federation and the information stakeholders need to support their role.

Below are some of the main questions asked to the seven targeted users:

1- How many times did you use the Fed website in the last 14 days? Which features did you use?

2- From your experience using the website, what were some pain points (challenges)?

3- What are the main goals of the website?

Some common responses from the targeted users were:

  • Hard to add events, the add button is not clearly visible.

  • No filter to search for events.

  • Users could only see the most recent news but can’t see prior published news.

  • Difficulty to search about businesses and navigate in the directory.

Our Persona


Site Map

The sitemap served as a great way to consolidate my proposed navigation and illustrate to my clients the pages that we would be working on.

SOFLO Federation.png

Home Page

The homepage was restructured to include quantitative impact and highlight different initiatives. The amount of text was also reduced and replaced with dynamic, visual content such as image carousel, videos, and highlight cards.

Landing Page.png


The page redesigned to show the upcoming events and also adding a “Filter by Day” or “Filter by Month” and also adding an “Add New Event Button”.


About Us

The about page was consolidated to be an overview of various aspects of the nonprofit and its internal teams and their messages. Highlights the founding members and the different internal stakeholders.


Donations Page

The original design had a hidden Donation Button under the Get Involved Tab making it very difficult to find. The redesign makes it more apparent on-site with an on-page donation form that gives statistics to demonstrate the impact of donations and where donations go.


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